Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Crowdsource: Vinyl Lives

What does classic rock legend Bruce Springsteen, Indy rock group The Decembrists, heavy metal band Iron Maiden and pop-vocalist Adele have in common? They’re still putting out records on vinyl.

Some younger folks may have never seen a record before. If this is you, go into your parents basement and look around for old orange crates. They’re full of these round, black plastic things with grooves on them. That is a record and it used to be the way people listened to music. Now try picking that orange crate up. Aren’t you glad we have iPods nowadays?

In the home recording studio, we don’t mess with analog format anymore. It’s too expensive and time consuming for something that’s about the same quality as a low-end digital recording.  I wouldn’t even know where to buy a record press if I wanted to. But does this mean we’re missing out on something? Is there even a difference?

There’s always a rumor among vinyl lovers that records are a more accurate reproduction of the original performance. That may have been true 20 years ago when digital was in its infancy. But more powerful computers and better software actually makes digital more accurate than any physical medium like vinyl records or magnetic tape.

So why hasn’t vinyl gone out of this world completely?

Deirdre Glassford, a UC journalism student and music fanatic, isn’t picky about what medium her music is on. Glassford may not have a love of one over another, but because she’s not willing to pick a winner, vinyl lives on.

“I love ALL formats of music. My music collection is probably my prized possession,” says Glassford.  “It consists of Albums, cassettes, CDs and digital stuff. I used to work in a music store, so I own more CDs than anything else...but there are certain albums that I also own on vinyl, as well.”

Vinyl is an experience that isn’t limited to just listening to the music. There’s the feel, smell and size that isn’t as easily avoidable with other formats. And unlike CDs or mp3’s that can go everywhere, listening to vinyl is an activity that keeps you close to your wood-paneled den.

“The nostalgia and novelty of vinyl are very attractive to me,” says Perry S, a UC journalism student. “Though, when it comes to everyday listening I think I’d much rather have my iPod.”

There’s also an inheritance factor. Many people, including myself, have stacks of old records because they’ve been passed down by the previous generation.

“Then there's tons of old shit that I refuse to buy, again, because I have it on my parents' records. I figure eventually I'll buy one of those handy-dandy players that converts it all to MP3s, so it will be more readily available,” says Glassford.

Any difference in sound quality doesn’t seem to affect readers’ opinions one way or another. Perry compares the three competing formats:

“Though sound quality varies from file to file, the convenience of iPods and the like win over the novelty of vinyl or CDs. I'd even take a CD over vinyl for the quality.

Charlie Balcom, a UC communication a journalism student could live without vinyl.

“I never got interested in vinyl. The only experience I have with vinyl is Simon Pegg throwing records at zombies in Shawn of the Dead,” says Balcom.

The inconvenience of vinyl makes it an obsolete technology. Skipping tracks and mixing playlists from a library of thousands of songs is much more important than the nostalgic experience of listening to a record.

How long vinyl will keep spinning along before it's final demise is still to be seen. But at least none of my readers are die hard vinyl fans, which is a good thing if I ever want to get my music to them.