My original plan was to make my own album and write about it. Then I thought maybe just a three or four track EP would be more attainable. And then the quarter hit me hard and my kid started to run and climb. My equipment went up on a shelf or got buried in boxes or anything else to keep it safe from a toddler on a rampage. Like Godzilla, he brings destruction everywhere he lays his foot down. My only free time is when he sleeps: AKA quiet time.
I started charging people to do recordings a while ago, and needless to say I get less calls than I used to. It's not because the product is so insanely good that I deserved professional compensation, but because my time is worth something. The last project I worked on took me one hour to record and around 20 hours to edit, mix and do some light mastering work. All that for a 60 minute CD. And I wasn’t even the musician. If I had been, you could add rehearsal time plus the time it takes to track the bass, the guitar, the vocals…
Hopefully, I can get back into recording when my monsters get out of their chew/throw/stomp everything phase. Until then, I’m just gonna get some practice in here and there. Maybe someday, I’ll have something to show for the time I’ve put into this hobby.
Take care,
Aaron Mevis
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